Steve (my husband) is coaching Kallie's team, so while dad was having practice, I took Emma and Tanner to their practice. We get to the field's, running late as usual, I grab the 2 soccer balls hand them to the kids and proceed to lock the van door. Tanner takes his ball in the parking lot and starts to kick it. When I turn around, Emma is frantically trying to tell me something and Tanner looks like he is about to cry. I soon discover that his soccer ball rolled under a car. No big deal, I thought, I will just bend down and get it. PROBLEM!!!! It has rolled under a Mustang and is wedged way under. Picture this, mom on hands and knees trying not to scream weighing my options. (I could send Emma under the car, but if she gets stuck, then what do I do? I really hope the owner of the car does not come around the corner.) I go back to our van to try to find anything that I can use to reach it. Everything under the sun is in my messy van, except what I need. Then I spot it. The snow removal brush thingy ... you know what I mean. After a few tries, I get the ball free. I look over at Tanner who is grinning ear to ear, "thanks, mom!" Now that I am dirty and sweating, lets go to soccer practice! Ahhhh!!!
It was worth it! Tanner had a smile on his sweet little face that never left. He was so excited to be out there. He was so proud of himself. During one of the drills, Emma and Tanner were teamed up to pass the ball back and forth. Tanner was having some trouble, but he was really trying. The ball would only go a few feet, no where near where Emma was standing. I heard her sighing in frustration, so I went over to encourage her. She turns around in disgust and says, "mom, he is just not getting this!" Emma can always make us laugh. "It is the first practice, Emma, he will do better next time." Good job Emma and Tanner. We are so proud of you guys!
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