Tuesday, January 6, 2009

One of those mornings...

Getting the kids up and ready for school seems to be a challenge these days. How come on school mornings your kids forget how to do everything!! This was my morning...

I go downstairs to wake up the girls. Today they all go in, so it is always more crazy than usual. I turn on the light and announce it is time to get up and go to school. I am greeted with moans and groans like I just told them that they were going to the dentist. (Speaking of the dentist, I am pretty sure I was suppose to make them appointments over break. Oh great!!) As I am climbing around the disaster that is their room, I think to myself, "didn't we just clean this room!. It is a pit!! Unbelievable!!" I give my speech about the state of their room, while trying to find clothes that match and that are clean. It is not an easy job. Kallie says, "Mom, can I wear dress down, I have a coupon?" Yes, that is fine. Maybe, that will make the morning go smoother. No "Mom, I don't have any pants!!" What, haven't I been doing laundry for days. I check in my room (because that is where I keep laundry baskets of clothes that haven't been folded yet and taken to their proper rooms) and find a pair of jeans. Praise God!! Oh, now off to making lunches and breakfast. As I am working, Emma (half dressed) is wandering in the living room. "Emma, what are you doing? Did you go potty? Where are your pants? You need to go get your shoes after you go potty and finish getting dressed." Ok, now back to what I was doing. What was I doing? Oh, I need to find that dress down coupon. Where did I put it. I know it is here somewhere. Ahhh!!! As I am looking I find a bill. When is this due, January 9th - yikes what day is it? Good thing we have Internet, I can get that paid after the kids leave this morning. Back to the dress down coupon. Yes, I found it. Now, breakfast. What can they eat in 2 1/2 minutes. Waffles it is!!! Toast the waffles, get out milk, cut up the waffles, and finish up with the lunches. Ok, almost done!!! "Mom, I spilled my milk!" What, I turn to see my son, Hayden, who never spills his milk. Get that cleaned up. "Mom, I need more milk!" Of course you do. Now, I have to spend the next few moments monitoring the breakfast table. "Rylee, if you don't stop talking and eat, you are going to be in a world of trouble!" Her response is a huge smile. Now it is time to get out the door. Emma and Kallie don't have their shoes on, hair needs to be combed and we all have sticky waffle faces. AHHHHH!! I am going to lose it!! Take a deep breath, Steph, you can do this. Super mom shows up, for a minute, and it all gets done. The door shuts behind them and I am sweaty and tired. Can I go back to bed. No. Tanner is looking at me with messy face and asking for more milk and Hayden needs to be home schooled. Ok, well, maybe a nap. Not likely, remember the state of the girls room. I can rest tonight when Steve comes home. Oh no. He has games and will be home after the kids are in bed. I guess it is just going to be one of those days....


Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

You truly are supermom! You accomplished all of that and lived to blog about it! I hope your day improves. It has too...right?? BTw I am glad I am not the only one with laundry in my bedroom waiting to find a home :) I guess I could be doing that now instead of blog reading :)

amy said...

O.K. maybe it was the morning...I can't even tell you how long our alarm was going off before I heard it! All I can tell you is that it was 7:34a.m. before I became semi-awake! Needless to say, Grant was late, so I am extremely impressed that you were able to get 3 children out the door on time:)