Friday, January 9, 2009

Wake up Call

A few nights ago, I am in the kitchen cooking dinner, happy as can be, listening to my MP3 player, singing and dancing. I know this paints quite a picture in your minds, but try to get passed it. I am trying to create the setting :) I call the kids to sit down and I hear a roar of laughter coming from them. I look over to see Tanner coming to the table sporting a t-shirt and little baby buns. I panic and think what mess am I about to discover. I say a little prayer, hoping that he was "just wet". No such luck. Upon closer observation, this was not the case. I ask him, "Tanner, where is your diaper? Show mommy where you put your diaper." With a huge smile, he marches to the bathroom. I think, yeah right! I am not this lucky. I round the corner and laying in a heap on the floor is his diaper, surprise and all. He looks up at me if to say, "mommy, I believe that YOU told me that this is where poopy and pee goes." This is where it gets weird. The toilet seat is up and the potty seat is on the potty. I know that he sat on the potty seat, because he has left evidence. Let me stop here and remind you that Tanner turned two in October. I was in shock, not knowing if I praise him or scold him for taking off his diaper. I looked down at that smiling face and told him how proud I was that he went to the bathroom to try and go potty. That is such a big boy. I gently reminded him that he needed to tell me first next time so that I could help him with his diaper. Next time, let's try to get the poo in the potty and not in the diaper. (Wait a minute, did I just give my 2 year old permission to pick up poo and put it in the potty! Maybe that went over his head. Next time, I will be clearer) So, I guess it is official time to start potty training. He is clearly ready! The question is, am I ready? Diapers have been my life for the last 9 years! My last one to potty train!! Here we go ....


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Mariah said...

YES YOU ARE READY!!! the grass is totally greener on my side...join me, my friend!

You will never want to go back. well...maybe a few times a year when you hold your friends new little ones, get clothes ready for the Mom 2 Mom sale, see little outfits on sale at Target and have to buy them for friends because SOMEONE should have them, or see new gadgets come out and wish they would have had those when yours were little, when your "baby" doesn't have you hold her as often because you have been telling her to be a "big girl", or when you can't fold their clothes a certain way anymore due to bigger sizes and you remember when they all fit in ONE drawer...but just during THOSE times. Other than that, the grass is are ready?!

Besides, girl, you have run out of wall space for all those One Year pictures from Penney's:)

Stephanie said...

You are right!! I guess I need to dive in with both feet. It will be strange to be out of this stage!!