Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seattle Surprises!!

I had a wonderful trip to Seattle meeting little Owen. He is so precious. A perfect little bundle of joy. Looking into the eyes of a newborn, makes me thankful to the Lord for the many blessings that He places in our lives. It is overwhelming that He entrusts us with His children.

The plane trip was so relaxing. It felt weird that I was not trying to entertain 5 children. I actually got to read a book, and I got passed the first chapter. My second leg of the trip was interesting, to say the least. I was settled in my aisle seat, a little bummed that the seat next to me was filled, convincing myself that it still would be a pleasant flight, when Mr. Personality came bouncing down the aisle. ( literally bouncing) Just my luck, his seat is directly across from me. As he is putting his bag in the overhead compartment, he has completely forgotten that there are other passengers on this flight. I look up to find a large bottom in my face. I panic, and lean in close to the passenger sitting next to me. He was very understanding. As he was struggling to get his bag to fit, the strap was trying to choke me. I barely escaped with my head in tack. I tried to gain my composure, and assure myself that the worst was behind me, but I was sadly mistaken. Luckily for everyone on board, he was a comedian, storyteller, doctor, and pilot in his spare time. This man loved, I mean loved the sound of his voice. He did not take a breath between his many, many stories the entire 2 and 1/2 hour flight. At one point, he did get up and use the restroom and I wanted to stand up and cheer. (Don't worry, I managed to control myself) With 40 minutes left in the flight, a stewardess asked if there were any doctors on board. With out missing a beat, this grown man raises and waves his hand like he just got picked to play on the "Price is Right." (I heard a few chuckles around me) "Superman" runs to the rescue and saves the day. Praise God the women was OK. He got a special invitation to go talk to the pilot so that he could be thanked in person. As the plane landed, EMT rushed on the plane to get the patient. When I left the plane, I was never more happy to have reached my destination.

I meet Jess in the Seattle airport, and then walked out to meet Mom (who did not know that I was coming) at the car. I leaned in and said, "Hi, Mom." She was shocked and thrilled. We called dad to tell him. He was so sad that he didn't get to come. Renae and Chase were getting released from the hospital and we were trying to beat them home. We were at the house for about 20 minutes before they came home. When she walked in, I said surprise and she started crying. It was great!! She was so surprised. Way to go Chase. We got her this time!!

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