Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day!!!

There is something peaceful about fresh, fallen snow!

Rylee and Kallie all bundled up!!

Enjoying the winter wonderland!
Nothing is better then the first, big snowfall. The kids beg to go outside. They can't wait to make snow angels and have a snowball fight! They love it!! I love that they go outside and get some fresh air and exercise. It is wonderful to hear the squeals of laughter that come from a day of playing in the snow. The worse part of snow days is getting them ready to go outside to play. It is always chaos no matter how hard I try to organize their snow stuff. No one can find anything!! "Mom, I can't find my hat! Where is my scarf? Do I even have boots that fit? I think it is nice out, I am going to where my light jacket." (Rylee) Steve and I are tired, frustrated, and sweating by the time they are ready to go play. Now, we start praying that no one has to go potty. Taking everything off is another battle!! Our goal is that they are outside longer than it took us to get them ready. Where is Tanner and Emma? They are inside taking a much needed nap. It is bad that we waited until nap time to let them go outside so that we would have less kids to get ready? With 5 kids, you start to learn some tricks :)

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