Friday, December 5, 2008

Sometimes you just need a place to hide...

Being the youngest child in a family of 5 can take a lot out of you. Tanner is a tropper and plays his role well, but everyone needs a break once in a while. I guess Tanner needed an escape. He wanted to separate himself from those kids and get some peace and quiet. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, I found him playing in his "fort" all by himself. He was having the time of his life. He was laughing, talking and chillin' with his sippy cup full of milk. He looked so cute!! I love his imagination. I would love to know what he is thinking inside that cute head of his. Just curious Moms, why do our kids love to play in boxes instead of the toys that we buy them?
Oh well, at least he is happy and entertaining himself. I love that!!! Tanner, enjoy your quiet time in your fort. In this family, peace and quiet is hard to find!!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Don't we all just need some alone time?? So cute! I am sure he gave you and idea. I anticipate a future post with a picture of you in there! :)