Monday, June 1, 2009

A Conversation with my Kids at Dinner!!

Tonight at dinner, my family and I were outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine and talking about the highlights of our day. The following conversation comes out of no where. This is actually pretty common in our house.

Emma: (3) Mom, when we eat this food it goes in and down to our legs. Right mommy?
Mom: (what!!) Well kind of. (cut me some slack, I was caught off guard)

Emma: Mom, do we have to pee?
Mom: huh!! Emma, do you need to go potty?

Emma: no, mom (I swear she was telling me, keep up, mom)
Mom: (I thought I would turn this into a teaching opportunity, wrong!) Do you guys know why our bodies go pee and poop on the potty?

Rylee: (5) (without hesitation) Yeah, because if we went pee and poop on the floor mom would be real mad!!

Rylee always making us laugh!!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

So funny! I hope you are having a fun week with the whole gang! :) Let me know if you'd like to do library next week! I usually go on Tuesdays but I can definitely be flexible!