Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Don't Make me Count to Three!"

Every mom out there has used this phrase at one time or another. Wisdom from our mother's passed down to future generations. Let's be honest, Moms, what does it really mean? I will tell you what it means in my house....
* Mom is going to lose it...
* Mom is passed the breaking point...
* Kids, mom is going to be a bad example ...
* Mom is tired, and can't think of anything else to say...
* (my favorite) Mom is too lazy to address the real problem, and I just want you to stop!!

A good friend of mine (Jen) shared with me that she had found a great book on disciple and she was sharing some of the things that she was learning. ("Don't Make Me Count to Three" by Ginger Plowman) I thought to myself, "I could use all the help I could get." That day, I ordered it and waited a week for its arrival. I started reading it right away and thought, "this is great stuff! Why am I not doing this!!" Then it hit me, I am not doing this because it takes much more time, effort, disciple, work, patience, etc. The whole idea of the book is to get to the heart of the problem. Dealing with the real heart issue, not just treating the symptoms. Explaining what sin they have committed, why it is sin, and how to change that behavior from within. She also has a beautiful way of incorporating scripture verses into every situation. God really spoke to my heart and told me, in His gentle way, you need help in this area. Ouch!!! It is not easy to hear, but in order to change, it is necessary. As a parent, I have a responsibility to train my children in the truth of God's word. God's Words are much more powerful than my own. They need to see the Truth so that they can begin to change their hearts. Now Moms, let me be the first to tell you that this is not easy. It is so much easier to raise your voice, threaten or just let it go. Consistent disciple is one of the hardest things for me to do as a mother. I tend to give my kids too many chances. Mercy is important, but it is not for every situation. As I continue this book, I keep learning new things. I continue to ask God for wisdom and gentle guidance. My children are a blessing and I want to show them God's love in every way that I can. I will be honest, I am taking baby steps, but I do like the results. My kids are giving me plenty of opportunities to practice, (aren't they sweet.) They must know ... "If at first you don't succeed, try try again." Well, here is to trying!!!!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Were you a fly on the wall last night at Girl's Night??? We had this same conversation. I warn and warn and warn! I hear you. It sounds like some of the same principles as "Sheperding a Child's Heart". See you tonight! GO BLUE!!! Do you think we should fast and pray for a victory :) J/K or am I ????