Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another one bites the dust ... swine flu?

I feel like a broken record ... yes, one of my kids is sick again with the stomach bug. I am getting ready to call Guinness, because we had to of broken some kind of record. Rylee (5) comes to our room yesterday morning and tells us that her tummy hurts. She rested, sort of, for 20 minutes then we made her rest on the couch. After the kids got out the door for school, I tended to the sickie. She kept telling me that she needed to throw up, but she would go to the bathroom and "fake" gag. I thought, well maybe it won't be too bad. She just needs to go potty and get some food in her stomach. Wrong!! Twenty minutes later, it started. Every 15 to 20 minutes, for the next several hours. Poor little thing. Her body was so tired. When she would get done, she would put both hands up in the air, as if to say, "STOP!" At one point she told me that she did not want to throw up any more. I told her that hopefully it would be over soon. Emma (3) and Tanner (2), not wanting to be left out of the action, kept coming in and asking what was going on and why was Ry throwing up, and when could Ry play. (They were bored) Finally around 1:30pm, I convinced her to try to rest and she fell asleep for 3 hours. She woke up happy and healthy. "My tummy feels better mom, I want to go outside and play!" What happened?? That was some powerful nap! Thank you, Jesus! My happy Rylee is back. She is happy because now she will not miss her soccer game tonight! If they are going to get sick, this is the way to do it.

Btw, day #2 in the workout and today, I only hurt when I have to use my legs or butt, which is all the time. Yeah me!!!

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