Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Race!

Memorial Day, race day, was beautiful!! I could not of asked for a better day. It makes it so much more enjoyable to run when the weather cooperates with you. The race began at 9:00am, so as you can imagine, I did not sleep well. I think I woke up 4 times in the night to check the time and if the alarm was properly turned on. (I know what you are thinking, crazy) After my hard work training, I was not about to oversleep and miss the race. I got up early, too early and tried to convince myself that a morning run would feel so good, much better than a night run. I was debating!! I arrived at my friend's house and her kids were so excited. They were running in the 1 mile Fun Run and they were ready. You could not help but be excited too. Kids are contagious!! We arrived at the race and the kids got their numbers while I made a mental note of where the restrooms were. Always a good idea!! We watched and cheered as the kids ran their race. It was so fun. I will need to get my kids ready to run next year. They would love it! A few moments later, after a potty break, we headed to the start of our race. As we were waiting to race, I started looking around, and all I could see were young, really young runners. "What did I get myself into, I am going to be in last place! Oh well, no turning back now!" During the race, I felt great! I was in good rhythm and I was enjoying the beautiful homes, I mean mansions that I was running past. WOW!! They were amazing!! During the last 2 miles, I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure that there were still people behind me. "Good, I am not last!"
As I was coming down home stretch, I had friends cheering me on. It was great!! I ended up beating my time and running 49:48, under 50 minutes!! Yes!! I was happy! It is always good to beat your time! Lookin' forward to next year! Better start training for the next race.

Btw: shout out to my sister, Jess, who ran a half marathon on Memorial Day! She is amazing!! I am not quite ready, Jess, but I will get there. Maybe next year we can race together! Love ya!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

Yay Steph! I am so proud. Congratulations!