Friday, May 1, 2009

Strong personality ... yes, I would agree!

To say that our daughter Kallie (7) has a strong personality, is an understatement. She is strong and bold, she speaks her mind, she has passion, drive, and puts 110% into all that she does. She is funny and sarcastic, and full of life. She is beautiful and sweet! These are just some of the things that I love about her. All these traits help contribute to her firece competitiveness!! This girl won't let anything get in her way. As you can imagine, this sometimes gets her into trouble.
Ok, let's be honest, this gets her in trouble A LOT!! Let me give you an example ....

Steve comes home yesterday and tells me this story:
He in the fieldhouse doing some weight lifting with some of the students from school. Kal was with him, soaking up all she can learn from dad the best coach ever :) She wanted to lift weights with the kids and Steve told her no, the weights were too heavy and she could get hurt. Telling Kal that something is too hard or too heavy for her is painful for her to hear. She proceeds to explain to him why this just was not the case. You would think that by now she would have learned that you can't argue with dad, but she tries anyway. Once she realizes that this was not going to end well, she switches her attention to the girls in the gym. She goes on and on about how she is going to be a great b-ball player and that she has to be strong and fast. She is going to be way better than them when she gets older. (Her version of "trash talk")

My jaw drops and I tell me husband, "Please tell me that she did not say that!!" He responses with a smile. Oh, great!! Everyone is really going to love her. Steve said that the girls all thought it was funny, which I am sure only fanned the flame!! It seems that self confidence is not an area that we have to work on for her. Humility and tact will be our next hurdle!!
So Kallie, my sweet girl, I am so proud of you for all you do. Your heart and passion inspire me to be the best mom that I can be, but let us remember who gives us our talents and abilities. Jesus wants you to shine and your life to point to Him.
We are all a work in progress. Don't give up on us yet!!


Mariah said...

I love Kal!!!! A girl after my own heart:)

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

She's a funny one! And if she continues to kick butt in soccer like she does she probably will be better! She is just being honest, MOM! :)