Saturday, May 9, 2009

Confessions of an amateur runner

Memorial Day. Race Day. It is how many days away? I am in trouble. Getting ready for this season of races has been a challenge. Every obstacle has been in the way: weather, sickness, crazy busy, etc. I told myself if I am going to be ready, then I need to focus. Friday night, I took advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a run. The following is what was running through my head during the run ...

Ok, Steph! Let's get 3.6 miles in. No problem. You have been working out hard this week, you are ready.

Mile #1: Feeling pretty good. Good pace. Wow! My legs are sore from all those lunges and squats. Thanks a lot Jillian! A little farther down the track: Oh, no!! ladies from church. (I smile and say "Hi") Steph, you can't give up now. You will look like a wimp! Feeling good, time on first lap, good.

Mile #2: Hit a brick wall. What in the world! My legs feel like cement! Focus: put one leg in front of the other. Left. Right. Left. Right. I sound like a Dr. Seuss book. Don't think about the pain or your huffing and puffing. Listen to your music and enjoy the beautiful weather. Wow!! It is hot out here. Please God, send me a breeze. I am dying. I am not complaining, because the sunshine is nice. Oh, the ladies from church are coming up the track. Pick up your pace, shoulders back, and try to look like you are not going to pass out. Smile.

Mile #3: Do I really need to do this last mile and 1/2. Yes!! Quit your whining! Helen (biggest loser) is 48 and she ran a marathon. Suck it up. Get a grip. You are not going to die. My pace is slowing down. Remember to finish strong. Am I walking or running? I don't care what hurts, you are not quitting. What is up with this music. I need something to inspire me not lull me to sleep. Next song, no, next song. Ok, that is better. You are almost done. Now, sprint it out! Yikes, please tell me that I don't run like Phoebe from Friends. Just finish! Yes!! Catch your breath. Walk it out!

I wonder what real runners think about when they run? They probably don't think about what body parts are flopping all over the place, or why they are sucking wind. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day!

1 comment:

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

This is such a funny post AND it scared me to death b/c I was thinking "Is Memorial Day the race I am supposed to be running?".

It is a good reminder that I need to get on it so that I am ready for the race in July.